Hospi ality    and Hope South Tyneside Tyneside Web Design                     Hospitality & Hope ©2018                              Charity No:1159213 Make a Donation

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How Can I Get Involved?


Partnerships with the private sector are essential to Hospitality and Hope. With no government funding, we rely on the goodwill of businesses both financially and through the time that they donate.

In return, we hope organisations gain in many ways both through all the benefits associated with having a reputation for corporate social responsibility but also through helping develop staff skills and esteem. Our business volunteers tell us that they enjoy using their skills in different ways towards new challenges.

If you would like more information please send us an email using our ‘Get In Touch’ page.


Whether you can give up some time to join our 60 volunteers or you’d like to make a donation to our charity, then your actions will help significantly improve the lives of others in South Tyneside.

Hospitality and Hope started over 13 years ago and it’s down to prayer, faith and the generosity of others that we have been able to continue to offer support to our guests.

They are many ways you can get involved in Hospitality and Hope, including sharing our Facebook & Twitter accounts with your friends or signing up to our mailing list.

If you would like to find out more information then please use the links to the right.



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