Hospi ality    and Hope South Tyneside Tyneside Web Design                     Hospitality & Hope ©2018                              Charity No:1159213 Make a Donation

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Happy Days Ministries UK is based in Halifax & seeks to support vulnerable individuals through the provision of supported community housing, employment, education and training, nurturing them into living purposeful lives for the benefit of themselves and their community.


Our supporters include:

The Barbour Foundation - Northern Rock Foundation  -  other major & local supporters / individuals.

The Community Foundation was established in 1988 to benefit communities particularly, in Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. Their vision is: ‘effective giving, thriving communities and enriched lives’.Their purpose is to be the hub for community philanthropy in our area – inspiring and supporting giving that strengthens communities and enriches local life.


The Hadrian Trust’s aim is to improve the lives of people living and working in the North East of England. Their are a charitable trust allocating grants to charities and groups working for the benefit of the people and the environment of Tyne and Wear, Northumberland, Durham & Hartlepool.  Their main donations are in the fields of social welfare, youth, disability, the elderly, women, ethnic minorities, education, arts and the environment.


Growing Through Giving